1. Competence: You’re good at what you do – and you have the skills and knowledge that enable you to do your job well.
2. Reliability: People can depend on you to show up on time, submit your work when it’s supposed to be ready, etc.
3. Honesty: You tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand.
4. Integrity: You are known for your consistent principles.
5. Respect For Others: Treating all people as if they mattered is part of your approach.
6. Self-Upgrading: Rather than letting your skills or knowledge become outdated, you seek out ways of staying current.
7. Being Positive: No one likes a constant pessimist. Having an upbeat attitude and trying to be a problem-solver makes a big difference.
8. Supporting Others: You share the spotlight with colleagues, take time to show others how to do things properly, and lend an ear when necessary.
9. Staying Work-Focused: Not letting your private life needlessly have an impact on your job, and not spending time at work attending to personal matters.
10. Listening Carefully: People want to be heard, so you give people a chance to explain their ideas properly.